submit guestmix

I can feature your mix (video or audio only) broadcasting it live or by post-production under my homepage and multi-streamed to my social media and then published to all the podcast platforms.

 Audio file must be in mp3 format 320kbps quality, clear and NO HUMMING.

Video file must be in mp4 or mov format; 1280×720 resolution; 30 FPS minimum.

• 1 hour long (less than 60 minutes will be refused; more than 60 minutes will be edited to fit in the episode).

 Playlist must be in the format:
Artist – Track Name – [Label]

  EXCLUSIVE (never published before).

 Files must be titled in root with your DJ name and all other infos must be in the email body.

 Voiceovers and jingles are NOT ALLOWED.

 Send downloadable link (Wetransfer or Dropbox ONLY) by email with Subject ‘Guestmix’ to:

I never give feedbacks if I don’t dig a mix, and it won’t be published. Simple like that.
But, if I like it, I’ll let you know before to publish it. If I don’t like the mix. 

Make it Deep!