I can feature your mix (video or audio only) broadcasting it live or by post-production under my homepage and multi-streamed to my social media and then published to all the podcast platforms.
• Audio file must be in mp3 format 320kbps quality, clear and NO HUMMING.
• Video file must be in mp4 or mov format; 1280×720 resolution / 30 FPS.
• 1 hour long (less than 60 minutes will be refused; more than 60 minutes will be edited to fit in the one hour guest slot).
• Playlist must be in the format:
Artist – Track Name – [Label]
• EXCLUSIVE (never published before).
• Files must be titled in root with your DJ name and all other infos must be in the email body.
• Voiceovers and jingles are NOT ALLOWED.
• Send downloadable link (Wetransfer or Dropbox ONLY) by email with Subject ‘Guestmix’ to: podcast@deepspacepodcast.com
I never give feedbacks if I don’t dig a mix or why won’t be published.
If I like it, I’ll let you know before to publish it.
Make it Deep!